There are a number of reputable sources, and many groups and companies trying to make Minecraft as accessible as possible. Many people have leveraged Minecraft’s popularity to create viruses, fakes, and generate ad revenue. Minecraft has a many mods that come from unreliable sources. For instance, if you have 8GB of RAM, only 5GB can be allocated to Minecraft and no more. Never set your JVM MAX RAM allowance to the exact amount of RAM you have in your computer, always leave a buffer of 3GB. Keep in mind that your Operating System (Windows, Mac) needs at least 2.5GB to run.

The initial code in the highlighted line is the MAX RAM allowance.Go to Launch Settings and turn on JVM Arguments.This can be changed easily in the Minecraft launcher: At base level with 15 mods, your game needs approximately 4GB of RAM devoted to it. A computer with 16GB of RAM can run any amount of mods, using up to 8GB of RAM alone. At minimum, a computer should have a quad core processor, and 8GB of RAM.

Once you get beyond 15 mods, RAM requirements increase rapidly. One overarching point to keep in mind when browsing mods is the kind of computer you are running your modpack off of. This module covers some of these topics for students to learn and build from, as well as provides helpful guidance and information for teachers. There are a number of things to think about when choosing and acquiring mods for Minecraft.